Office Bearers

Music Team


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Director of Music:

Nancy Callahan

Nancy is the Director of Music for Tampa Oratorio Singers.
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Dale Williams

Dale is the Accompanist for Tampa Oratorio Singers.

Board of Directors


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Allison Reed

Allison is the President of Tampa Oratorio Singers
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Vice President:

Marianne Bock

Marianne is the Vice President of Tampa Oratorio Singers
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Lois Epps

Lois is the Secretary of Tampa Oratorio Singers
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Sheryl Hofmann

Sheryl is the Treasurer of Tampa Oratorio Singers
This is your contact related to dues or any other financial questions you may have.
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Directors at Large:

Marianne Bock




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Membership Committee Lead:

Ray Posey

Ray is the Membership Committee Lead for Tampa Oratorio Singers.
This is your initial contact for TOS information and scheduling of assessment.
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Joe Cassaly

Joe is the Webmaster for Tampa Oratorio Singers.
This is your contact for any issues related to the TOS Website.
Copyright © 2024 Tampa Oratorio Singers